Playing Cricket with I Zingari Australia

Members of IZA have the opportunity to play cricket at some of the most renowned and picturesque grounds in Australia and regular overseas & regional tours provide further possibilities to enjoy cricket in all of its wonderful variety through the world. The Club maintains a home ground at its picturesque country setting at Camden Park where it regularly hosts other Clubs, and also plays regular fixtures in inner city Sydney on turf wickets.
Members come from all walks of life, different ages, live across Sydney, interstate or overseas. They are capable cricketers with a wide background of achievement. An IZA player may be participating in or have finished with senior cricket or come to IZ straight from school. Some members will have joined this year, others have been playing 20 years or more. Some have even been affiliated with the Club for over 70 years.
The Club schedules an extensive fixture list of games on turf wickets on weekends and mid-week against Schools and Clubs that enjoy playing the type of cricket IZ plays. The absence of organised training and an ability for members to nominate the games they wish to participate in affords a great deal of flexibility for those who wish to play quality cricket in amongst a life of competing priorities. Amongst these fixtures will be games suited to the young and athletic as well a masters style game where lunch and a more relaxed atmosphere are characteristic.
An annual subscription and match fees and the valuable contribution, generosities and energies and regular participation of its membership sustains the Club.
The Club has been welcoming new members since it was founded in 1888 and continues to do so on a regular basis. Election to Membership is by invitation and extended to those who share and can uphold the core values of the Club. Invitation follows a period of introduction and the participation in several fixtures.
Please get in contact if you would like to learn more or to make your interest in playing with IZA known.