About I Zingari Australia
The Gypsies - "Out of darkness, through fire and into light"

I Zingari which translates from Italian as "The Gypsies" is one of the worlds oldest cricket clubs, founded in England in 1845, as an amateur wondering club' intent on spreading the game far and wide.
I​ Zingari Australia, was founded in Sydney in 1888 and was given permission to use the name and colours of the English club three years later It is the oldest social cricket club in New South Wales.
The Colours of IZ are Black, Red and Gold and it has become commonly acknowledged that "Out of darkness, through fire, into light" is the foundation upon which the Colours of IZ are built. It is said to be most important that the Colours should always be worn showing the Gold at the top.
Both the Australian and English clubs, which remain affiliated in name and spirit, continue as strong cricket clubs today, still seeking to promote the popularity of Cricket where ever it is played.
In both cases an extensive fixture list allows members the opportunity to play cricket at some of the most renowned and picturesque grounds in Australia and in the United Kingdom, and regular oversear tours provide further possibilities to enjoy cricket in all of its wonderful variety through the world.